Placing an order is easy! Just follow these steps:

- Select Product Item that you want to buy
- Click "ADD TO CART" Button

- In Cart Click "Check Out" Button

- If you are a registered customer, please log in by using your email address.
- For new Customers, simply fill in your active email.

- Confirm your delivery address correctly, then checklist 'Save this information for next time' checkbox bellow.
- Select a shipping method
- You can apply DISCOUNT CODE of GIFT CARD (if any), then click 'APPLY' button.

- Select a payment methodm then chose billing address.
- Once you are done, then click the 'PAY NOW' button

- You Will be redirected to payment page, transfer according to the amount and method of payment are selected
- Confirm your payment
An order confirmation will be sent to your registered email address to let you know your order details. It's worth checking Diana is marked as a safe sender in your email account or checking your junk mail as our emails may be routed there automatically.